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17th May 23 2:51 PM
Posts 979
Injured player still in Preview but not in team.
Here's a problem I've seen before and has just happened again today, so thought I'd add it in here.

This occurs when you have two (or three) matches in a day and a player who is selected for more than one match, gets injured in an earlier match.

When you go to the Match day page (for the later game), it shows you still have a starting XI of 11 players and 5 subs.

Match day - Preview, shows your team still has 16 players selected. (including the now injured player). Preview ratings calculations still include the injured player's stats.

Match day - Team selection, here is where you can see that actually, you now have a player missing.

Something to be wary of when you've pre-selected your teams for all matches in a day.. If you don't check your earlier game closely, and check the later game only on the Match Day page or Preview page, it's easy to miss that you are a player short.
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