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6th Jul 20 9:05 PM
Posts 375
Bid on a player
I bid on a player yesterday and it registered because I later upped it later on.

No bid was received by the manager/or club any ideas why?
6th Jul 20 9:15 PM
Posts 1
Originally posted by FulchesterUnited
I bid on a player yesterday and it registered because I later upped it later on.

No bid was received by the manager/or club any ideas why?

Did u check whether the manager resigned?
6th Jul 20 9:56 PM
Posts 375
Originally posted by Chelubai
Did u check whether the manager resigned?

No spoke to the manager and the bid never registered at all his end?
6th Jul 20 9:57 PM
Posts 6,166
Is the player still in contract?
6th Jul 20 10:16 PM
Posts 375
Originally posted by stripey
Is the player still in contract?

I?m not being very clear. The player was sold for 41 mil with 31 and 22 mill bids aswell. I also bid 41 but it just vanished?
6th Jul 20 10:29 PM
Posts 20
Do you know for sure you did up your bid from 20m?
Did you see it in your players bidding for with the 40.9m next to it?
Because if this is a bug, how many other times could it have happened without people knowing?
7th Jul 20 12:18 AM
Posts 979
Originally posted by FulchesterUnited
I?m not being very clear. The player was sold for 41 mil with 31 and 22 mill bids aswell. I also bid 41 but it just vanished?

How much was your first bid ? I'm wondering, if it was 20 then it could be that your updated bid just didn't register and you finished outside the top 3..However if your first bid was higher than 22 obviously it should have reached negotiation stage at least.

Other thought is, did you still have enough money when the transfer closed ? Currently, your club value is around 90M and a quick glance of your squad looks like a value of around 40+M..assuming no other deals / offers are active or in process you should have had just enough! Is that right ?

Does the seller know how many bids were made in total
7th Jul 20 12:18 AM
Posts 979
Originally posted by FulchesterUnited
I?m not being very clear. The player was sold for 41 mil with 31 and 22 mill bids aswell. I also bid 41 but it just vanished?

How much was your first bid ? I'm wondering, if it was 20 then it could be that your updated bid just didn't register and you finished outside the top 3..However if your first bid was higher than 22 obviously it should have reached negotiation stage at least.

Other thought is, did you still have enough money when the transfer closed ? Currently, your club value is around 90M and a quick glance of your squad looks like a value of around 40+M..assuming no other deals / offers are active or in process you should have had just enough! Is that right ?

Does the seller know how many bids were made in total
7th Jul 20 8:52 AM
Posts 20
It said there were 4 bids, and it also had a 10% sell on.
7th Jul 20 9:33 AM
Posts 375
I definitely had the transfer fund covered and I was able to log the bid and get the confirmation that the bid had worked! Does anyone know if you get a message anyway if you fall short of funds?

I also dropped from 10 transfer rating to 7 on the day but the seller said the the minimum transfer rating was +3.

I?m very confused!
7th Jul 20 10:57 AM
Posts 102
Originally posted by FulchesterUnited
I definitely had the transfer fund covered and I was able to log the bid and get the confirmation that the bid had worked! Does anyone know if you get a message anyway if you fall short of funds?!

I do know you don?t get a message if you fall short of money, I had this with a player, bid the amount I bid, got no message whatsoever, and then saw the player went for less than I bid. So that could be what happened, it is like your bid disappeared....
9th Jul 20 6:35 AM
Posts 375
Thanks for all the help lol. Still unresolved!
9th Jul 20 8:59 AM
Posts 20
You could have had the transfer logged, and then your funds went too low the next day, and then you miss out and dont get notified? Thing is with a big club like yours, I assume you're not losing money each day unless you buy a player?
9th Jul 20 10:42 PM
Posts 6,342
Originally posted by FulchesterUnited
I definitely had the transfer fund covered and I was able to log the bid and get the confirmation that the bid had worked! Does anyone know if you get a message anyway if you fall short of funds?

I also dropped from 10 transfer rating to 7 on the day but the seller said the the minimum transfer rating was +3.

I?m very confused!

I'm curious about this minus 3 transfer rating hit.

It usually only happens when you withdraw from a transfer during negotiations but as you never got to negotiations with this player, how on earth did the hit happen?

You weren't bidding on another player at the same time were you?
10th Jul 20 8:04 AM
Posts 49
Originally posted by pleasantsurprise
I'm curious about this minus 3 transfer rating hit.

It usually only happens when you withdraw from a transfer during negotiations but as you never got to negotiations with this player, how on earth did the hit happen?

You weren't bidding on another player at the same time were you?

The hit was due to bidding on a separate player the day before.
10th Jul 20 10:41 AM
Posts 6,342
Originally posted by Fulchesterutd2nd
The hit was due to bidding on a separate player the day before.

Right. And did you withdraw your bid on the same day you upped your bid on Andy's player?
14th Jul 20 10:30 AM
Posts 49
Originally posted by pleasantsurprise
Right. And did you withdraw your bid on the same day you upped your bid on Andy's player?

Yeah probably it have done this before.
14th Jul 20 1:45 PM
Posts 6,342
Originally posted by Fulchesterutd2nd
Yeah probably it have done this before.

If I understand that correctly...

Did you rely on the monies released from that bid to cover the 45m+ needed for the uplifted bid on Andy's player?
18th Jul 20 9:48 PM
Posts 375
Originally posted by pleasantsurprise
If I understand that correctly...

Did you rely on the monies released from that bid to cover the 45m+ needed for the uplifted bid on Andy's player?

Yeah I would have needed that money.
18th Jul 20 10:02 PM
Posts 486
Originally posted by FulchesterUnited
Yeah I would have needed that money.
Just as well we don't do IAG loans.
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