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8th Mar 25 10:33 AM
Posts 83
Messed up
Argh I have been on holiday for the past week and totally forgot to renew the contracts of my two 6501 coaches

I'm barely 5500 at the moment with all my recent youth promotions so ive messed up big time here.. I looked to see if any of my other staff had decent coaching attributes but not really

Not sure what I can do except just accept it and work back towards 6501 somehow
8th Mar 25 8:33 PM
Posts 1,130
So what you?re saying is that it would have been better for your club if you had tried to win every game instead of getting deliberately relegated because you?d still have a 6500 rating and would have been able to immediately rehire better coaches? Interesting, interesting.
8th Mar 25 8:57 PM
Posts 44
I don't go on holiday when I'm going down the leagues
9th Mar 25 11:15 AM
Posts 83
Originally posted by Firesilver would have been better for your club if you had tried to win every game instead of getting deliberately relegated because you?d still have a 6500 rating

I lost my 6500 rating when rotting meaninglessly in the midtable of a division that doesn't provide any benefits from being in.
9th Mar 25 11:17 AM
Posts 83
Originally posted by euromyside
I don't go on holiday when I'm going down the leagues

Is there a negative lasting impact on your rating once you've been relegated? In a similar way previous cup years work? Genuinenly asking.
9th Mar 25 11:56 AM
Posts 1,130
Originally posted by ramster59
I lost my 6500 rating when rotting meaninglessly in the midtable of a division that doesn't provide any benefits from being in.

Funny, I've experienced the exact opposite effect. Couldn't reach 6500 in the lower divisions, but made it in Serie A, while also making significantly more money from TV rights. Not sure what the difference between our two clubs is. Maybe just a different mentality from the manager?
9th Mar 25 12:00 PM
Posts 1,130
Originally posted by ramster59
Is there a negative lasting impact on your rating once you've been relegated? In a similar way previous cup years work? Genuinenly asking.

I think that the effects from getting relegated last several seasons before your rating will start to recover, I'm afraid. It used to be 5 seasons in the previous version as I recall, but I'm not sure what it is in this version of the game.
9th Mar 25 3:06 PM
Posts 44
Originally posted by ramster59
Is there a negative lasting impact on your rating once you've been relegated? In a similar way previous cup years work? Genuinenly asking.

I dropped to 4500 whilst keeping decent players and expanding my stadium.
Relegation clauses helped.
Aimed to make a profit of 10m per season.
Kept my staff of 6500 by renewing their contracts. Beware, staff do retire but luckily I was at the top when they decided to.
Youth Academy is a must regardless of club.
10th Mar 25 11:05 PM
Posts 58
I think the relegation method is fundamentally flawed for many reasons, especially since the youth academy has been increased to 12 players

All you need is a club value of 80-100mil (preferably closer to the 100mil), an "average player rating" of 68-72 and a good string of results winning games then Voila,, you can do that in any division

Yes I was lucky starting in the bottom division and having "Varmer Fornisson" to sell but I reached the +6500 staff halfway through Serie B
11th Mar 25 7:00 AM
Posts 1,130
Originally posted by KaneW
Yes I was lucky starting in the bottom division and having "Varmer Fornisson" to sell but I reached the +6500 staff halfway through Serie B

This is the key, Kane. You had a "free" 55M in the bank and you had 4 seasons to grow your club (even though you only needed 3 1/2). You also did it, forgive me for saying so, in an easier league.

Unless you do what Euro does and drop right down to the 5th tier, your rating is always going to suffer in the 2nd tier if you want to avoid promotion because you have to lose 5-10 games per season. Fluffy Ducks are now in a really tough position to get back to 6500, which is why this loss is huge for them. I would be sympathetic, if the problem was not entirely of ramster's own making by trying to game the system and leaving himself vulnerable to something like this happening.

Originally posted by KaneW
All you need is a club value of 80-100mil (preferably closer to the 100mil), an "average player rating" of 68-72 and a good string of results winning games then Voila,, you can do that in any division

As for myself, I had just under 3 seasons and no superstar sale to get me to 6500 before reaching Serie A. I had to grind through several tough seasons in possibly the hardest division in the game* to get there. I needed an APR of 78 to reach it and a series of good league finishes to do it. If you were to give it a try, you might find it equally tough.

*Let's not start this argument again though please
11th Mar 25 8:34 AM
Posts 58
I don't think it'll be too difficult for him, yes maybe with the amount of healthy competition in certain top divisions these parameters need to altered slightly which is why I did 80-100mil club value and 67-72 average player rating but me personally, i have been in this top division with the lower parameters and below mid-table whilst still holding my +6500 rating

I think Ramster just needs to sell one or two of his younger 90+ fixed attribute players and replace them with with a good handful or two of ageing 90s already trained up who only require 2 or 3 years contracts before they retire and make a push for it

That in turn will improve his APR and his results he gets when in the top division
11th Mar 25 11:08 AM
Posts 83
Originally posted by Firesilver
Unless you do what Euro does and drop right down to the 5th tier, your rating is always going to suffer in the 2nd tier if you want to avoid promotion because you have to lose 5-10 games per season.

Genuinely asking, why does dropping down to the 5th tier make this 'strategy' work but dropping once does not? Surely throwing for a further three seasons would tank my rating even more. Yes I would not be able to stat pad back up 5 divisions like euro did but I can just linger around 4th 5th for a few years in this division which is still a rating boost?

Originally posted by Firesilver
Fluffy Ducks are now in a really tough position to get back to 6500, which is why this loss is huge for them.

I wouldn't mind at all if I didn't forget to renew some of my 6500 staff lol.

Originally posted by Firesilver
I would be sympathetic, if the problem was not entirely of ramster's own making by trying to game the system and leaving himself vulnerable to something like this happening.

Can't argue with that, but must be said my rating was around like below 5700 when in Serie A so it's not like this is the main reason it's so low now.
11th Mar 25 12:21 PM
Posts 58
whatever the starting division of our team and whatever the necessary parameters are within certain divisions to reach +6500,, the relegation method is flawed, certainly now the youth academy capacity has increased to 12 players

It just depends how fast you want to do it or how many in-experienced untrained youths you want to harbour and train up
11th Mar 25 12:37 PM
Posts 58
Originally posted by KaneW
whatever the starting division of our team and whatever the necessary parameters are within certain divisions to reach +6500,, the relegation method is flawed, certainly now the youth academy capacity has increased to 12 players

It just depends how fast you want to do it or how many in-experienced untrained youths you want to harbour and train up

But like Euro says, whichever route you take, youth academy is paramount and having a good influx of 80+ and 90+ youngsters coming through is what everyone needs
11th Mar 25 12:42 PM
Posts 49
Originally posted by KaneW
But like Euro says, whichever route you take, youth academy is paramount and having a good influx of 80+ and 90+ youngsters coming through is what everyone needs

but whats better, to keep and train up or sell for huge amounts of money??
11th Mar 25 1:17 PM
Posts 58
Originally posted by Mr_Cantona
but whats better, to keep and train up or sell for huge amounts of money??

I threw caution to the wind and sold my first +90 youngster in the first few days of Serie B and that boosted my club value to 100mil,, and with a bit of money that was spare I bought a couple of players which boosted my average player rating to 68 and my overall rating to +6500 by the end of the mid-season transfer market whilst still in Serie B,,, yes I was top of the league also but them parameters will be slightly different if say you are mid-table in the top division

The fast way i.e selling a wonderkid or two to replace with already trained golden oldies is certainly a risk as them oldies will soon retire so you need to have some faith in future wonderkids coming through to train up or sell on again

Eitherway, the main thing is in my opinion to keep that club value at atleast 80-100mil and that average player rating at 70+
11th Mar 25 6:38 PM
Posts 1,130
Originally posted by ramster59
Genuinely asking, why does dropping down to the 5th tier make this 'strategy' work but dropping once does not? Surely throwing for a further three seasons would tank my rating even more. Yes I would not be able to stat pad back up 5 divisions like euro did but I can just linger around 4th 5th for a few years in this division which is still a rating boost?

If you don't mind me asking, what was your final points tally in Serie B last season?

I ask this because I'm working on the assumption that you're aiming for exactly 4th place, which unless there's 3 utterly dominant clubs who only drop points against each other. means you're going have to lose probably 10 games during the season, give or take a few.

Now, I know that my club is challenging at a slightly higher level than yours was in Serie A, but I achieved 9 defeats last season. So results-wise, you're not actually gaining as much as you think by being in the 2nd tier. You're probably getting about an extra 10-20 points over the course of the season than you would be if you were really trying hard to win in Serie A.

This is not enough of a difference to make up for the loss of rating caused by the season that you lost every match to get relegated. Not even close. This means it will be at least 5 seasons (or however long the club rating results cycle is) before that season gets wiped from your club rating record and your rating starts rising again. That's at least a few seasons away yet that you're going to be stuck with 5500 coaches.

Even then, you're going to struggle to get back to 6500. Remember, I reached 6500 after 5 seasons of finishing between 6th and 9th, with an APR of 78. So finishing consistently 4th, you will probably need an APR of about 75. Not straightforward.

Dropping down to the 5th tier means that you can have 4 seasons in a row of 38 wins, and so long as you have a soft landing in Serie A again, you'll gain a massive boost to club rating from it.

Originally posted by ramster59
I wouldn't mind at all if I didn't forget to renew some of my 6500 staff lol.

Well of course, the whole thing is moot if you'd held on to your coaches, and in a cycle's time you would have started reaping the benefits. But now you have to go through this cycle with worse coaches, a huge detriment to your club's growth, while waiting for the 38 loss season to rotate out of the cycle.

Originally posted by ramster59
Can't argue with that, but must be said my rating was around like below 5700 when in Serie A so it's not like this is the main reason it's so low now.

It was at 5700 because you had a whole season's worth of losses on your record. It's commonly known that club rating comes from at least 5 things: league position, staff rating, player rating, club value, and stadium size. What isn't understood fully, because it's harder to measure, is the effect results have on it.

From memory, your club was ranked around 40th when you entered Serie A and dropped to around 50th as you settled into mid-table with the rest of us. So, somewhere around 6400-6500 rating. Yet you dropped into Serie B at 5700 rating. But hold on, if it's 20 points lost per position, you should only have lost about 200 or so club rating from being 20th instead of 10th, right? So where did the other 400+ points go?

The answer, it would seem, it that a season of losing 38 matches will lose you about this much rating compared to a season of 38 wins. That season of losing 38 matches will remain affecting your rating until the cycle it is part of ends, i.e. (I think) 5 seasons.
11th Mar 25 6:47 PM
Posts 1,130
Originally posted by KaneW
whatever the starting division of our team and whatever the necessary parameters are within certain divisions to reach +6500,, the relegation method is flawed, certainly now the youth academy capacity has increased to 12 players

Yes it is. It's a very long term strategy with mediocre club rating gains and you also suffer a loss of income in the meantime.

Originally posted by KaneW
Eitherway, the main thing is in my opinion to keep that club value at atleast 80-100mil and that average player rating at 70+

The exact calculation is hard to be sure of, but yes, conventional wisdom suggests that with consistent 38 wins per season every season for a whole cycle, and a club value of 100M, you'd need an APR around 70 to reach 6500. If you are winning fewer matches each season, the APR requirement increases, given that all other things are probably staying the same (club value 100M+, staff rating, league position and stadium size).
12th Mar 25 5:40 PM
Posts 83
Originally posted by Firesilver club is challenging at a slightly higher level than yours was in Serie A, but I achieved 9 defeats last season. So results-wise, you're not actually gaining as much as you think by being in the 2nd tier. You're probably getting about an extra 10-20 points over the course of the season than you would be if you were really trying hard to win in Serie A.

Honestly, what you've said there at the end was my reason for dropping to Serie B: it was not to try 'cheat the game' by stat padding in a lower division per se, but simply because I couldn't really put the time every day to 'try really hard' to win in Serie A. I am honestly enjoying the game way more now that I don't have to worry about form and lineups every day for the league and instead just focus on promoting and training youths and build an entire team of trained 80-90+ FAs that can actually compete in Serie A, kinda like yours. Of course, i could have built towards this team in Serie A, but the effort and time was just not worth it for me.

I appreciate the information in the rest of your previous post, but I'm curious about this:

It's commonly known that club rating comes from at least 5 things: league position, staff rating, player rating, club value, and stadium size.

Considering my club's value is over 150m, and only 100m value counts towards the club rating, might it be in my club's interest to expand the stadium then, even if I don't need it expanded at the moment?
12th Mar 25 6:07 PM
Posts 1,130
Originally posted by ramster59
Honestly, what you've said there at the end was my reason for dropping to Serie B: it was not to try 'cheat the game' by stat padding in a lower division per se, but simply because I couldn't really put the time every day to 'try really hard' to win in Serie A. I am honestly enjoying the game way more now that I don't have to worry about form and lineups every day for the league and instead just focus on promoting and training youths and build an entire team of trained 80-90+ FAs that can actually compete in Serie A, kinda like yours. Of course, i could have built towards this team in Serie A, but the effort and time was just not worth it for me.

Well, that's fair enough, if you're not that fussed about being really competitive in the game. Not everyone has 10 minutes to spare every day, I suppose. But in that case, you should be content with your 5500-rated coaches.

Originally posted by ramster59
I appreciate the information in the rest of your previous post, but I'm curious about this:

Considering my club's value is over 150m, and only 100m value counts towards the club rating, might it be in my club's interest to expand the stadium then, even if I don't it expanded at the moment?

That depends on a number of factors. If you do that, you might have to drop your TP to fill the new stand, and the maintenance costs will be higher, but it will eventually return on your investment. If you plan on still being at your club in 10 seasons' time, I'd say definitely, yes. If you want to take another crack at Serie A by bringing in some top-quality players, then it might be best to spend in the TM instead. All depends on what you want from your club. Money sat in the bank is "wasted" above 100M club value, but it's always nice to have a safety net in my opinion.
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