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Create your football club from the ground up and establish yourself as a football manager.
Manage every aspect of your football club from player transfers to squad training.
Go head to head with thousands of football managers from all over the world.
What's under the Manager tab?

What's under the Manager tab?

So you have become an Itsagoal Manager. Congratulations and welcome!
As Manager you have a lot to do in order to make a success of your Club.
Here is a summary:

  • Team selection for matches
  • Training
  • Player contracts
  • Transfers
  • Developing your Youth Academy
  • Staff appointments
  • Stadium development
  • Financial management

    Before we explore those areas in detail, it is important for all Managers to be aware of a few rules regarding logging into their Itsagoal accounts.

  • After initially signing up and setting up your team, you need to log in again at least once within the next 5 days. If you fail to do this, you will be sacked . Ideally, of course, you should log in every day, in order to check your results, and look after the various aspects of running your club.

  • We do of course understand that sometimes you might not be able to log in for a week or two. Because of this, once the initial five day period has passed, you must log in at least once every 21 days. Again, if you do not do this, you will be sacked.

  • Subscribers to Itsagoal are given a longer period of grace without logging in - up to 42 days - without being sacked.

    Managers will also be sacked if they allow their squad size to get too small - have a look at the Squad section of the Help files to learn more.

    If you have been sacked, then you can still start again with another team.


    The Help section of Itsagoal is designed to help you succeed. Firstly, we will take you on a tour of the Manager area of the site.

    Manager Home

    This is a really good place to go to each day when you log on to Itsagoal .

  • Check your TODO list at the top of the page every time, as this will help you keep up to date, especially with contracts and team selection.
  • Recent match results and links to recent messages are displayed, and you can also take a brief look at rankings and a few statistics.
  • Edit My Profile takes you to the Profile tab:
  • Friends' Leagues takes you to any extra leagues that you have joined.
  • Not surprisingly, the Logout tab does what it says on the tin.


    Here you can see your personal details. You can edit them under the Edit Profile tab.
    If you wish to include a picture for your profile, here is some advice:

    Resizing Profile Pictures/Avatars

    The following advice is for managers who wish to add their own profile picture (avatar) but who need help in making this the correct size for Itsagoal. One way is to use Google or any other search engine to find free programs (e.g. Avatar Sizer) that can do the job for you at the click of a few buttons.

    Alternatively, if you are a Windows user, the Paint program will resize images, and if you use AppleMac, then there is Paintbrush.

  • Profile images on Itsagoal are allowed a maximum size of 80 x 80 pixels.
  • Images can be submitted in the following formats only: gif, jpg or png. For now, the best format to use is jpg. To change an existing image to jpg, open it in MS paint and save it as jpg

  • History shows all of the clubs you have managed, with dates, and what you have achieved with them.
  • Honours shows you your achievements in a little more detail, with a special focus on the League Championship, League Cup, Divisional Cup and the Super Cup.
  • Statistics gives you a breakdown of your record in all the games played by teams you have managed.


    This is where you keep all your personal messages (PMs). You can communicate with other Itsagoal managers by PM. You will also receive messages from your Board through this channel. It is very important to read these, and to take any action necessary.
    Messages are not stored indefinitely, but they can be saved. Subscribers to Itsagoal also have the ability to see messages that they have sent.


    It is worth taking a look at these if you think you might want to move to another Club. Be aware that Clubs usually will offer a managerial post to the candidate with the best credentials, so make sure that you have a good record of success. It is also worth thinking about whether the benefits of staying at your present Club outweigh those you might gain from moving.
    New vacancies are only open for one day.

    My Account

    Here you can change your password, edit such things as your email address and date of birth; change settings for the visibility of your online status and for your time zone; and, if you are an Itsagoal Subscriber, you can view your payment history.


    This is where you can view the very modest cost of subscribing to Itsagoal, and the many benefits of doing so.

    My Blog

    Here, you can share your thoughts, hopes and dreams in diary form with fellow managers.

    My Leagues

    This is where Itsagoal Subscribers can create their own leagues for friendly matches. You can also join leagues run by other subcribers through this tab.

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