Originally posted by BubbaGump
There are also suggestions that the youth atts all improve at rates based on their difference in levels. For example a youth with one significantly higher attribute to the rest is likely to see more increases in that one big attribute and less in the others. Whereas a youth with more even atts will improve across all 3 atts.
That's a definite, each of the three youth attributes increase by the same percentage each time.
A 4,5,6 youth won't become a 44, 45, 46 player, he'll become a 40, 50, 60 player because each attribute increases by the same percentage.
There can be a slight variation as it's not done in whole numbers, so a 5,5,5 player may actually be rated 4.6, 4.9, 5.4 (assuming here numbers are rounded to the nearest whole number rather than rounded up or down). So, for example, such a player could increase his stats to 46,49,54,.