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13th Mar 25 12:00 AM
Posts 58
Originally posted by ramster59
Honestly, what you've said there at the end was my reason for dropping to Serie B: it was not to try 'cheat the game' by stat padding in a lower division per se, but simply because I couldn't really put the time every day to 'try really hard' to win in Serie A. I am honestly enjoying the game way more now that I don't have to worry about form and lineups every day for the league and instead just focus on promoting and training youths and build an entire team of trained 80-90+ FAs that can actually compete in Serie A, kinda like yours. Of course, i could have built towards this team in Serie A, but the effort and time was just not worth it for me.

I appreciate the information in the rest of your previous post, but I'm curious about this:

Considering my club's value is over 150m, and only 100m value counts towards the club rating, might it be in my club's interest to expand the stadium then, even if I don't it expanded at the moment?

Either this season or next season I think you should buy some 90 rated players,, with your current excess of money and excess of youngens you won't be able to train up to their potential, you will have enough money to buy many 90 rated players who are +27yr old,,, yes maybe their contracts won't be long term but they will have the quality and experience to improve your APR and cause alot of damage to your opponents in

Like it has been said in previous forum posts from way back,, building your stadium too fast can cause a bit of a stagnation if you don't have the players and overall club rating and club value to keep the stadium at full capacity
13th Mar 25 10:51 AM
Posts 403
To echo what Kane has said - you're not filling your stadium as it is, so you'd have to reduce ticket prices quite a bit to get 100% attendance at a bigger one. With maintenance and other increased costs you might end up worse off financially than you are now. You could work this all out for yourself and see how it looks.

In your position I wouldn't rush to invest in a new stadium unless the alternative is a huge tax bill.

It's a tricky situation as you don't really need top (or even 80+) players to dominate your league, so buying some old stars is just a bit of a waste unless you're using them to push your APR up. And without your old coaches you can't really buy in some quality youth and train them up as they won't reach the potential you want them to. Of course, Firesilver will say you've made your bed

If you really don't want to come back to Serie A I suppose you might be able to put 100 odd points on your rating a season by winning enough to come fourth. Train your youths up as much as you can and do well in the cups, you can probably achieve an APR in the mid-70s which should be enough to get back to 6501.

FTR I was fifth in the top division, had an APR of 74, an ASR of 51, and a club value of 95 M when I reached 6501.
13th Mar 25 6:25 PM
Posts 83
Originally posted by chyperhondriac
Of course, Firesilver will say you've made your bed

I really have, but that's ok. My plan now is to move my 6501 youth coach to coach; he is not that much worse than my old coach so that will be something. Of course, I'll have to replace him with a 5501 youth coach, but I feel like a 6501 coach is better to have than a 6501 youth coach.
How much difference will dropping down a youth coach tier make to the academy success, is an interesting question. Anyone have any anecdotal or better evidence to answer that?
13th Mar 25 7:55 PM
Posts 49
Originally posted by ramster59
I really have, but that's ok. My plan now is to move my 6501 youth coach to coach; he is not that much worse than my old coach so that will be something. Of course, I'll have to replace him with a 5501 youth coach, but I feel like a 6501 coach is better to have than a 6501 youth coach.
How much difference will dropping down a youth coach tier make to the academy success, is an interesting question. Anyone have any anecdotal or better evidence to answer that?

I'm not sure having a lesser youth coach makes any difference to the quality of youths you can produce but it will of have a negative effect on average staff rating.
13th Mar 25 9:06 PM
Posts 54
Any level of youth coach can turn out a wonder kid - or a dud. I would assume that there is some benefit from having higher levels coaches but the YA is sufficiently opaque (to me anyway) that it's hard to pin down.

My working theory is that each week every youth has a chance of improving by a random amount, and better coaches mean the chance and/or magnitude of an improvement is higher.
13th Mar 25 10:27 PM
Posts 45
ye say the oviouse. loads of so called managers make me laugh. keep going it brings humour to the game. some thou
13th Mar 25 11:00 PM
Posts 58
Hahaha "Notfair" with his usual blabber and mis-spelled words makes me laugh,, must of been drinking hard since Leicester are a bag of Sh*t... The only reason they won that barclays premiership then was because barclays HQ is in Leicester and barclays were bribing all the match officials and players involved

13th Mar 25 11:03 PM
Posts 58
Originally posted by KaneW
Hahaha "Notfair" with his usual blabber and mis-spelled words makes me laugh,, must of been drinking hard since Leicester are a bag of Sh*t... The only reason they won that barclays premiership then was because barclays HQ is in Leicester and barclays were bribing all the match officials and players involved

Why do you think the Thai chairman was involved in a "accidental" helicopter crash??
13th Mar 25 11:09 PM
Posts 58
The reason being is because the chairman was about the release the facts of the bribes involved regarding Barclays and himself and others involved
13th Mar 25 11:11 PM
Posts 58
Originally posted by KaneW
Why do you think the Thai chairman was involved in a "accidental" helicopter crash??

Accidental helicopter crash my @rse
13th Mar 25 11:27 PM
Posts 58
"Notfair" how many clubs have you had? And you're still languishing mid-table in the Spanish second division?? You'll need to book your ideas up fella before you can have an opinion

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